Monday, April 7, 2008

Let the swelling begin!

Last Thursday, 21 weeks 3 days, I came home from work and put my feet up. I looked down and saw what I was hoping not to see: sausage toes. Damnit! The tops of my feet were swollen too. Nothing tragic, just not what I wanted to see. My mom was swollen like a balloon with me so I have been praying I didnt get like that. So far, I am no where even close. I can tell a little in my neck and wrists but again, nothing someone would look at and give me a wide-eyed OMG reaction.

As of today, 22 weeks, I am up 10 pounds. I am ok with that weight so far. At a pound a week, I could look at 30 pounds total but I also know I have been eating a lot of crap. If I can make the switch from canned to fresh or frozen peaches, that would be huge. Im not really watching the scale, more out of my normal curiosity. I have weighed myself daily for years. I am down to about 2x a week in an effort not to think about it as much.

We ordered the crib this weekend, the bottom one on the picture below. It was on a better sale than we were expecting so we went for it. We got it in a classic chestnut finish since it appeared to go with the majority of bedding choices. We are still stumped in the bedding department but at least we have some time there. The crib takes 3 months-ish to come in so we had to get a move on since I start my 6th month today.

Today also starts our birth prep classes. They will be for the next 6 weeks from 7-9pm at the birth center. We are excited to get started and should get a lot of our questions answered. I think the more time I spend at the center, the more relaxed and comfortable I will be when the day comes for the birth. Somehow, starting classes and ordering a crib makes this little guy pretty real. Not that the kicks dont, but in a way he is still a mythical creature inside me. Having a plan for his arrival and a place for him to sleep means he is real! Its very exciting and scary at the same time.

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