Friday, February 13, 2009

They say its my Birthday

Happy 31 to me! Yet another sure sign that I am a grown up. They seem to keep coming and Im not sure I like it. The signs that is, not the birthdays. haha

I am not big into my own birthday. Its always just seemed like another day. But, we always make it a point to go out to dinner. Usually we do this early since reservations on the 13th can be touch and go with V-day the next day and all.  So Wednesday night, Jeremy and I went to Mitchell's for seafood. We had a really nice meal and it was nice to get out and have date night. Mom enjoyed having a little grandbaby time too. 

Yesterday, in honor of Nathan's half birthday we took the Birth Center some brownies and had pictures taken. Holy cuteness. I will be posting as soon as someone decides to lay down for his nap. 


Mrs.Salsaburger said...

Happy Birthday! Yay for another Aquarius!

Emily said...

Happy Birthday!

CaneWife said...

Happy birthday!