Sunday, April 12, 2009

We have a cruiser

Nathan has started to cruise along the couch. I am so thankful for a happy and healthy child who is doing all these exciting new things but I could really stand for him to slow down! Where has my baby gone? Wasn't he just snuggling on my chest? Now, he is Mr Independent. I think teeth may be the last straw before I cry LOL  I will miss his gummy little smile. 

Had a nice Easter with the Jeremy's family. He got cute Easter baskets from both Grandmas and his Aunt Pammy. I think next year will be a lot of fun. 

Naps have been a rare sighting this weekend so we are off to get him to bed early tonight. I'll let you know how that works out. haha

8 month picture to come!


CaneWife said...

It's amazing how quickly they grow. And how, once they discover something new, they just latch on and go for it!

Anonymous said...

Hugs Amy, I just blogged a similar post about Peter turning three...I think we never learn to accept that our precious little ones are growing up. Sniff!
