Thursday, July 24, 2008

37 weeks

These were taken Monday at 37 weeks. Had my check up today and nothing new to report. Still head down and not engaged. He flipped from being on my left side to being on my right though. That means nothing haha My tests are all normal. No protein in urine etc. I am up 5 pounds from last week though so I think I have to lay off the pizza! They noticed my feet for the first time this week too. Not bad enough to mean anything though. Group B Strep came back negative. wahoo, no IV for me!

I talked to Sharon about natural means of encouraging him to move along and she basically told me to suck it up. The carpal tunnel is "normal" and although I am numb all the time, it is not an indicator of permanent damage. Great. She just said that he will come when he is damn well ready and that if I am truly miserable, i have to consult with their back up OB for a pitocin induction in the hospital. Guess I just tough it out. I got a massage but it did not help. it wasn't even relaxing b/c she was working the muscles so deeply to get them to release.


Theresa Patch's Thirty-One said...

YAY for 37 weeks!!! You look great

Anonymous said...

AWWW.... You're SOOO pregnant and beautiful! It will be worth every second of agony you're holding out for Buddy! LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

look at the big fat cow!