Sunday, August 24, 2008


He nursed today!!!!!! wahooo. He nursed Friday at the Pedi's office then seemed to forget everything he knew. Then, today he nursed like a champ. I feel like I have dropped off the face of the earth but with pumping, feeding him with a syringe and tube, and trying to nurse its just been a lot. If he can keep the nursing up, I will be back in the game in no time!

Thanks for all the good thoughts while we have been struggling with this challenge.

As an aside, I have a great non-hormonal birth control method that I would be happy to share. What is this miracle product you might ask? My birth photos of course! Up close and personal with a minute by minute account of him emerging. Heather was not afraid of the zoom either =) There are some amazing pictures of right after the birth that I am so thankful for. I just wasnt ready to see myself in that condition. So, if you have a 15 yr old niece that you need to help understand the consequences of her actions, let me know and I can email the slide show. yowza is all I have to say! hahaha


Anonymous said...

Way to go Buddy!

Unknown said...

Go Nathan go! :) I am so glad that you guys had a good day! Hopefully it will be the first of many.

Thanks for stopping by last night, even if briefly! Nathan is absolutely gorgeous.

As for the pictures, I think I can pass. :)

CaneWife said...

I, too, will take a pass on the pictures. I'm thrilled that Nathan is doing so well, and that things are starting to come together. Wishing you all the best!

Anonymous said...

If only I were allowed to show those photos in class... muahaha...

HUGE congrats on the nursing! I knew it'd work out. Woot!