Saturday, December 13, 2008

a new day

Been MIA for a little while. We had a computer virus that was smart enough to disable the anti-virus we installed then it disabled mozilla. Tricky little punk. As our computer was purchased right after I graduated college in '99, it was past its prime. We have been waiting for it to self destruct for some time now. So, off to computer shopping we went. We finally decided on an iMac. My last apple was an Apple 2E which I received in 4th grade. Along with a dot matrix printer... I used both until I graduated high school but used is relative. DOS and I were not BFF. Anyway, we had heard such great things about Macs so we took the plunge. I think we are going to be very happy with the decision. We are still getting used to it but so far, so good. 

We are still working with Nathan to get the whole sleeping thing down. He will usually stay asleep but the getting there is not so great. He is fussing to himself as I type. I wont let him scream but a little protest in ok for now. Nonna (his grandmother) has been holding him for naps the past couple weeks and now we have to deal with the fall out. What can you do though? We'll work at it. I have lots of time now. 

Yep, I will be with him for every nap for the foreseeable future. On Wednesday, my company downsized my job. Thats a nice way of saying I eliminated my own position. There was not enough money to pay me and what money was there was better used for other things. The company will not be around much longer which is really sad. The owner is a great guy and he builds exceptional homes. He/we were just victims of the market. I felt badly walking away but not knowing about pay from week to week was getting to be too much and I had to know what to do with Nathan. I knew he was too nice to eliminate my position so I did it myself. I cant stay home with Nathan forever but until I can find a new job that pays me enough to put him in daycare, I am going to enjoy every minute. 

Nathan has started to try to roll over. He can go from belly to back and about 90% back to belly. Stupid elbow keeps getting in the way =) He will have this down in no time though. He has also been babbling up a storm. He was chatting it up with folks in Target this week. Adorable. 

Dad and his gang are coming next weekend. They are even spending the night. Who could have seen that coming?? Heather is excited to help with his bath. Hopefully he doesnt try to pee on her. LOL 

I have some pictures of our trees once I figure out iPhoto. Yes, treeS. I am an Edwards after all. Its just what we do. Jeremy's grandparents gave us their "Jeremy tree". Its about 8" and super skinny. You get the drift. It is in the front living room. Yesterday Cheryl and I went to get a real tree for the living room by the fireplace. Jeremy was a little Scroogy about it but I made an executive decision and we have a real tree. We'll work on decorating it tonight. Eventually I would like the Jeremy tree to be the Nathan tree and hang his school/homemade ornaments on it. 

Off to organize the house a little bit. Since we are hosting the family Christmas, I feel a little guilty if things arent in better order and a little more decorated. 

1 comment:

Sara said...

I love that you have multiple trees!!!!!! We always had a family tree (real) in the living room and my brother and I each had a fake small tree in out bedrooms to decorate as we pleased.

We have 2 trees this year and I love it!