Tuesday, December 18, 2007

mmm marshmallow fluff mmmm

Last night for dinner, I made a marshmallow fluff, peanut butter and banana sandwich. I saw nothing wrong with it but Jeremy found it quite note worthy. Fluffernutters are popular as are PB banana. Why not combine the two?

Today, I resorted to rubberbanding my pants. These jeans fit about 2 weeks ago when I last wore them. This morning, not even close! My boss comes in and commented that I was starting to thicken up. I totally dont mind this from him b/c it wasn't ugly at all. I asked if he saw my rigging and he didnt, he just noticed the disappearing waistline. grrrreeeeeaaaaaaatttt. haha

Not feeling especially pregnant today. I know I wont feel things everyday so Im not worried. Just noticeable today. I ate breakfast then a banana around 11. Nothing else until dinner at 7:30. Normally, I am on the verge of consuming my arm by 12:30. Not having a growling tummy is ok by me!

1 comment:

Kristin @ www.amomontherun.com said...

You just made me nauseous.. that sounds disgusting! haha!

You need a bella band!!