Monday, June 16, 2008

32 weeks

I am feeling SO much better today. Still stuffy but what's new? We had a great time in Vidalia celebrating our shower, Father's Day, and birthday's for MIL, MeMa and Uncle Scott. It was a full weekend for sure!

We had been told that Erick, Jeremy's 15 yr old cousin, has been very excited about Thumper. Asking his mom questions about feeling him move and whatnot. Well, when his mom went to get our shower gift, he insisted on coming. He, a 15 yr old boy, picked out the cutest plaid shorts and matching shoes and bought them with his own hard earned lawn mowing money. Then, he gave us the sweetest card and wrote the nicest note about what a blessing this baby is in our family. It was all I could do not to tear up. I think it may be the most touching thing we have received for Thumper.

Here are pics from right after the shower:

I have a midwife check up on Friday. He feels like he is still head down so hopefully he stays that way!

Really looking forward to the shower this weekend. It will be nice to celebrate with my own friends and family instead of friends of my ILs who I have never met. It has been amazing to feel the love for this baby but I admit very strange to get gifts from people I dont know. FIL has started introducing my belly first then me as his DIL. I have to laugh b/c thats just him. But to tell someone in a restaurant to say hi to his grand baby before introducing me is not something I have experienced before. haha So very Donnie though!

Crib is shipping this week at some point so we should have it soon. His room is not even close to being ready so this will force us to get it done. I'll post pics once we have things in a semi-order.

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