Monday, June 23, 2008


What a blur and amazing time all at once. The cousins and Pam got in Friday night. Pam even brought me boiled peanuts from Jake's back home. OMG do I love these things. I couldnt even wait until after dinner to dig in. We had a bit of a cluster with the charcoal so we didn't eat until late but Jenn's rum-chicken was fabulous. We stayed up til midnight shooting the breeze and catching up. I cant tell you how exciting it was to have everyone come in for this.

Saturday morning we got up and I made an oven omelet and giant pot of grits. mmmmmm We lazed a bit then got ready for the shower. Hotel de-Williams was a hoppin' place. Mom, MaryBeth and G-ma got in about noon. Once we got them toured and changed, we headed to Michelle's. All I can say is Michelle and Pam outdid themselves. Amazing. It was a tea party theme so they busted out their silver tea sets and china. We had finger sandwiches, scones (with clotted cream! yum) fruit, quiche, petite-fours, eclairs... So much. It was so pretty and tasted delicious. We had a great time just sitting around and chatting. No games, just a nice, girly afternoon spending time with friends.
I cannot even begin to describe how generous everyone was. It was very overwhelming to me. This is a lucky little boy to be surrounded by so much love. I will post some pics as soon as I get them uploaded. I felt as big as a house and the pics seem to confirm that... Oh well.

Once we got back from the shower, the fam stuck around a few minutes and then headed back to St Pete. Apparently g-ma was anxious from leaving g-pa all day and didnt want to spend the night. I love them all but I wasnt really sad when they decided to head back. I needed a break from the crazies =) The rest of us went out to a late dinner then came back and shot the breeze some more. I really wish Em, Alyssa and Tracey lived closer. This kiddo better like traveling b/c we can't have these visits taking to long next time.

Sunday morning was pretty lazy. I was super tired from Saturday and the swelling was getting impressive. While we were sitting on the couch talking, Tracey asked why my feet were sparkling. Thinking it was glitter or something, I look down only to find me feet are sweating. Nice. Not that sweet southern girl glisten, Im talking beads of sweat. On my feet! GROSS. I feel like I have so much water in the cells that they are going to burst or something so this water just oozes out instead. I know thats not the case but it was not something that made me happy.

That afternoon, the cousins went to the outlets and shopped. I squeaked in my flops the whole time. again, gross. Hoped to find a good coming home outfit but no luck. Why do stores carry about 3x as much girl stuff as boy stuff? What gives? Anyway, we got home and checked Em's flight. Delayed as expected. She ended up being delayed several hours so we ate more peanuts and introduced her to Nascar. I fell asleep at some point (as is custom) and woke up in time to take her to the airport. I was so sad to have her leave. We had a great time. Looks like she will be getting engaged here pretty soon so I cant wait to meet her man and get her hitched =)

Looks like the next couple of years will be wedding central again. Em, Alyssa and Pam are all expecting to head down the aisle. Then the next round of babies! I know, Im getting ahead of myself.

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