Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Uncle, for the love of all things Holy, Uncle!

So Jeremy had a rough day Sunday. He tried to mow the lawn Saturday but it rained a lot. Ok fine. Sunday it is. Thats when the fun began.

He goes to get gas and ends up slamming on the brakes and spilling gas in the back of the car. He throws all the laundry in the washer and makes my laundry room smell like gas instead of the Crunchy Clean I had worked so hard at the day before. What can you do though?

Next, he fills up the mower with his new gas. As he pulls the spout out, it backsplashes into his eyes. He comes running in the house and tries to wash his face at the sink. Now, this should not be an issue except that Jeremy cannot have anything near his eyes. He truly cannot hold his eyes open to be flushed out. We won't go into the absurd idea of him wanting contacts.... So, I convince him to lay on the kitchen floor so I can do a saline rinse. I pour lots of saline in his eyes (with them shut of course) then let him blink the pool of liquid to rinse. We go over this for about 5 minutes. I tried to get him to let me put his face in the hose or shower but it wasn't happening. He decides he is fine and goes back outside.

I go out about 30 minutes later to bring him water and check his eyes. Turns out the pull string on the mower broke while he was starting it. Great. After the already great morning, I tried to convince him to leave the lawn be for a couple more days. Oh no, that isnt happening. "you could go into labor any time and things wont be done" Sounds like someone is nesting to me!

Then, I watch him the the back yard watching this single hornet guarding an area of grass. I say, mow around it. He says, that would be silly. He ends up mowing with one eye over his shoulder watching this hornet. Then as he gets closer to her area, he shoves the mower in a few inches then runs. Then he retrieves the mower and runs with it. I swear it took 20 minutes to mow about a square foot. I was in tears laughing at him. he of course, was not pleased at my hysteria. We later found a gigantic hornets nest in the woods behind the house. Not zesty. Im glad he wasn't stung but it would have served him right to be messing with this hornet.

So that was the day. Im pretty sure God was telling us to go back to bed or that we should have been in church. Clearly we listen.

1 comment:

Mrs.Salsaburger said...

i think i hurt myself laughing so hard at this post. wow. that means that i think it is perfectly acceptable to laugh at someone else's misfortune. what have i become.