Monday, July 21, 2008

Yes, Im still here...

Good lord, this cant be starting already can it?? I was running a little, ok an hour, late this morning. When I got in, my boss looks at me in disbelief and told me he was for sure I wasn't coming in. He also sent me home early Friday b/c my feet made him hurt. He asked if he could tap them to water his lawn. Apparently I resemble a weeble-wobble and he doesn't see how Im still walking.

One of our clients is an agent in the building and he walks by my office every day. Same one who told me how huge I am not long ago. Anyway, today it went like this: "Holy cow, you're still here? I thought you would have popped by now. I didnt see the truck and knew you were out." "Actually Bob, I have 3 more weeks." "No way in Hell are going to make it 3 weeks. I give you til Friday tops" Um, if you say so. Kid will comes when he wants. I will also make a note to notify the building when I need to drive the car as well so no one flips out.

Does no one think I will call when things happen? Seriously? Im not the no call, no show kind of kid. I may be a slacker but not totally rude.


Anonymous said...

I'll start making bets when you come back from a check-up saying you're already dilating. ;)

Amy said...

You think you're so smart don't you =) HAHA I am going to put off being checked as long as I can. I could be dilating right now and it could mean nothing so why know and think about it? I have had friends be 3-4 cm for 3 weeks. I dont want to know unless its time!
In fact, I dont think the MW will check me unless I specifically ask to be checked.

So there! neener neener neener

Sara said...

Weeble's wobble, but they don't fall down.......

Kristin @ said...

Calling work will be the last thing on your mind when you're holding your little guy in your arms :)

If our secretary hadn't been on Adam's text list, they probably wouldn't have known 'til the day after.